

Usability Engineering Nielsen Paperback Morgan Kaufmann 9780125184069

Descripción del Producto

Usability Engineering

Jakob Nielsen (Author)

9780125184069, Elsevier Science

Paperback / softback, published 11 November 1994

384 pages

23.4 x 15.6 x 2.4 cm, 0.49 kg

\""The purpose of Jakob Nielsen's Usability Engineering is to help nontechnical people improve the systems so that they are not only error-free but also easier and more pleasant to use, and more efficient. It is a book that ...shows us how to change the world and does so admirably....One of this book's strengths is that it provides a wide selection of methods for improving systems, and allows for the unavoidable constraints of the real world.\"" --NEW SCIENTIST

Written by the author of the best-selling HyperText & HyperMedia, this book is an excellent guide to the methods of usability engineering. The book provides the tools needed to avoid usability surprises and improve product quality. Step-by-step information on which method to use at various stages during the development lifecycle are included, ]

Usability Engineering Nielsen Paperback Morgan Kaufmann 9780125184069

Usability Engineering

Jakob Nielsen (Author)

9780125184069, Elsevier Science

Paperback / softback, published 11 November 1994

384 pages

23.4 x 15.6 x 2.4 cm, 0.49 kg

\""The purpose of Jakob Nielsen's Usability Engineering is to help nontechnical people improve the systems so that they are not only error-free but also easier and more pleasant to use, and more efficient. It is a book that ...shows us how to change the world and does so admirably....One of this book's strengths is that it provides a wide selection of methods for improving systems, and allows for the unavoidable constraints of the real world.\"" --NEW SCIENTIST

Written by the author of the best-selling HyperText & HyperMedia, this book is an excellent guide to the methods of usability engineering. The book provides the tools needed to avoid usability surprises and improve product quality. Step-by-step information on which method to use at various stages during the development lifecycle are included, ]



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