
The Insecurity State Condos Hardback Cambridge University Press 9781108418317


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The Insecurity State

Punjab and the Making of Colonial Power in British India

A provocative examination of how the British colonial experience in India was shaped by chronic unease, anxiety, and insecurity.

Mark Condos (Author)

9781108418317, Cambridge University Press

Hardback, published 3 August 2017

270 pages

23.5 x 15.7 x 1.8 cm, 0.49 kg

'Mark Condos's book offers a compelling insight into the driving principles underlying the British colonial state in Punjab and, in doing so, indicates some wider truths about the nature of imperial societies more broadly.' Catherine Coombs, The English Historical Review

In this provocative new work, Mark Condos explores the 'dark underside' of the ideologies that sustained British rule in India. Using Punjab as a case study, he argues that India's colonial overlords were obsessively fearful, and plagued by an unreasoning belief in their own vulnerability as rulers. These enduring anxieties precipitated, and justified, an]

The Insecurity State Condos Hardback Cambridge University Press 9781108418317

The Insecurity State

Punjab and the Making of Colonial Power in British India

A provocative examination of how the British colonial experience in India was shaped by chronic unease, anxiety, and insecurity.

Mark Condos (Author)

9781108418317, Cambridge University Press

Hardback, published 3 August 2017

270 pages

23.5 x 15.7 x 1.8 cm, 0.49 kg

'Mark Condos's book offers a compelling insight into the driving principles underlying the British colonial state in Punjab and, in doing so, indicates some wider truths about the nature of imperial societies more broadly.' Catherine Coombs, The English Historical Review

In this provocative new work, Mark Condos explores the 'dark underside' of the ideologies that sustained British rule in India. Using Punjab as a case study, he argues that India's colonial overlords were obsessively fearful, and plagued by an unreasoning belief in their own vulnerability as rulers. These enduring anxieties precipitated, and justified, an]

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