
Operation Chiffon by Peter Taylor Paperback


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Operation Chiffon by Peter Taylor Paperback

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On the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement, Peter Taylor tells for the first time the gripping story of Operation Chiffon, the top-secret intelligence operation that helped bring peace to Ireland. 'A gripping exploration of how MI5 and MI6 worked for a ceasefire with the IRA - and how one meeting changed everything' Telegraph 'An extraordinary story . . . A true tale of espionage' The Times April 1998: the Good Friday Agreement is signed, ending decades of violence and bloodshed in Northern Ireland. The process of getting the IRA to end its so-called 'armed struggle' was always the prerequisite of the search for peace. It was Operation Chiffon that finally helped make it possible. Operation Chiffon takes us inside the top-secret intelligence operation whose roots go back to the bloodiest years of the conflict in the early 1970s, involving officers m

Operation Chiffon by Peter Taylor Paperback

Product Information

Operation Chiffon by Peter Taylor Paperback

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On the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement, Peter Taylor tells for the first time the gripping story of Operation Chiffon, the top-secret intelligence operation that helped bring peace to Ireland. 'A gripping exploration of how MI5 and MI6 worked for a ceasefire with the IRA - and how one meeting changed everything' Telegraph 'An extraordinary story . . . A true tale of espionage' The Times April 1998: the Good Friday Agreement is signed, ending decades of violence and bloodshed in Northern Ireland. The process of getting the IRA to end its so-called 'armed struggle' was always the prerequisite of the search for peace. It was Operation Chiffon that finally helped make it possible. Operation Chiffon takes us inside the top-secret intelligence operation whose roots go back to the bloodiest years of the conflict in the early 1970s, involving officers m

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