

Brain Brilliance by Lucinda Miller Hardback

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Brain Brilliance by Lucinda Miller Hardback

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Brain Brilliance offers 60 delicious and nutritious recipes as well as a wealth of diet and supplement tips and hacks for children living with Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ADHD and Autism as well as other unique and special brains. If you are a parent, teacher or carer, you can learn how to help them thrive and live their best neurodivergent life... with a little bit of nutritional know-how. Brain Brilliance will help you and your children make the important connection between what they eat and their mood, behaviour, and learning - even if they are a highly selective eater and resistant to change. This book provides the most accessible and up-to-date evidence-based nutritional advice to improve a child's brain function for all ages from toddler to school age to teens, and beyond. Understand the importance of the microbiome and the gut-brain link, as well as the negativm

Brain Brilliance by Lucinda Miller Hardback

Product Information

Brain Brilliance by Lucinda Miller Hardback

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Brain Brilliance offers 60 delicious and nutritious recipes as well as a wealth of diet and supplement tips and hacks for children living with Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ADHD and Autism as well as other unique and special brains. If you are a parent, teacher or carer, you can learn how to help them thrive and live their best neurodivergent life... with a little bit of nutritional know-how. Brain Brilliance will help you and your children make the important connection between what they eat and their mood, behaviour, and learning - even if they are a highly selective eater and resistant to change. This book provides the most accessible and up-to-date evidence-based nutritional advice to improve a child's brain function for all ages from toddler to school age to teens, and beyond. Understand the importance of the microbiome and the gut-brain link, as well as the negativm



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