
The Eagle and the Lion by Adrian Goldsworthy Paperback


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The Eagle and the Lion by Adrian Goldsworthy Paperback

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'Epic history as it is meant to be written!' Simon Sebag Montefiore 'A sweeping and panoramic account of the first great superpower rivalry - a definitive account.' Tom Holland The Roman empire was like no other. Stretching from the north of Britain to the Sahara, and from the Atlantic coast to the Euphrates, it imposed peace and prosperity on an unprecedented scale. Its only true rival lay in the east, where the Parthian and then Persian empires ruled over great cities and the trade routes to mysterious lands beyond. This was the region Alexander the Great had swept through, creating a dream of glory and conquest that tantalized Greeks and Romans alike. Tracing seven centuries of conflict between Rome and Persia, Adrian Goldsworthy shows how these two great powers evolved together. Despite their endless clashes, trade between the empires enriched m

The Eagle and the Lion by Adrian Goldsworthy Paperback

Product Information

The Eagle and the Lion by Adrian Goldsworthy Paperback

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'Epic history as it is meant to be written!' Simon Sebag Montefiore 'A sweeping and panoramic account of the first great superpower rivalry - a definitive account.' Tom Holland The Roman empire was like no other. Stretching from the north of Britain to the Sahara, and from the Atlantic coast to the Euphrates, it imposed peace and prosperity on an unprecedented scale. Its only true rival lay in the east, where the Parthian and then Persian empires ruled over great cities and the trade routes to mysterious lands beyond. This was the region Alexander the Great had swept through, creating a dream of glory and conquest that tantalized Greeks and Romans alike. Tracing seven centuries of conflict between Rome and Persia, Adrian Goldsworthy shows how these two great powers evolved together. Despite their endless clashes, trade between the empires enriched m

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